I hated non-fiction books for way more than half of my life. Now I can't get enough. Listen in and find out what changed and what I am loving and learning right now from some of my favorite authors.
I only attend one accounting conference each year. In this episode I talk about what I learned by going to this conference held in St. Louis this summer.
Even though I attend each year, there is always something that I learn and can take back to my firm or use in my personal life to help me achieve my goals. Not all conferences are created equal but this one stands out as being relevant and NOT boring.
From managing awkward moments to fangirling over a CPA I only knew through social media, the experiences were worth the long days.
I had no intention of taking such a long time off from podcasting but I'm back! Listen to hear why I didn't keep up, why I couldn't get started again, and why I think it's all okay.
Between a busy work season; life, death, illness, and travel; and wondering if I'm even qualified to be podcasting, a few weeks turned into a few months. Can you relate?
We're going to call this season 2 and just continue where we left off!
Learning is a life long pastime and this month I'm sharing the 3 things I learned. Nothing major. Just some little things that made my life easier or helped me move a project forward.
Like I said, nothing major, just some simple things that prove that you can teach an old accountant new tricks!
Take a peek into how the Kolbe A Assessment stacks up for rockstar accounting and bookkeeping team members versus the entrepreneurial accountant. Recognizing the innate problem solving traits of accountants helps drive a highly productive team that can compliment some of the traits of a visionary business owner.
In this episode I unpack:
Why is marketing so hard for accountants to embrace?